News Roundup #7
I haven’t done one of these in a while, and there’s been a lot of YA book news being t
hrown about in the last week or so, so this will be quite a chunky edition! I hope you all enjoy this “compilation” of news!
First off, I’d like to start with A Daughter of Smoke and Bone– Laini Taylor’s new novel. I’ve been priveliged enough to be able to read it, and the mythology of the story is frankly amazing! It’ll be out on the 29th September, but in the meantime, the cover and the book trailer have been released! I’m sure you’ll agree with me in saying that the cover is very simple but very nice. For a larger version, just click the cover.
Below is the wrap-around of the hardback dust cover, including the back and side flaps:
And if you’re not sure whether you’re interested in this book or not, feel free to be intruiged by the UK trailer!
And now- for a very different book: Department 19. Or more precisely, the sequel, which Will Hill has now revealed will be called The Rising which will be published on the 31st March 2012! For a little more infomation on the title, you can watch Will Hill talk about it in his short announcement video below:
And as well as that, the cover has also been revealed! I think you’ll agree with me in saying that The Rising looks even more dangerous than Department 19! What a great follow-up cover!
As well as all that, I’d also like to share with you Catherine Bruton’s new website!
I hope you agree with me saying that these are some very tasty morsels of news!