News Roundup #11
So it’s been a while since the last post, but at least there’s been a lot of
news! Enough to say that there’s something for everyone here, I hope.
First off, you can read the first three chapters of THE RISING, the sequel to Will Hill’s nasty-vampire series DEPARTMENT 19. The series is well worth reading, and as I said in my review, THE RISING takes things to a whole new level.
Readers of this blog will know that I was a huge fan of Moira Young’s BLOOD RED ROAD. It was recently announced that the sequel (to be published in October this year) would be entitled REBEL HEART, and the cover was recently posted on MTV (I’ve included a small version on the left, click for a larger version).
Many of you will be familiar with Laini Taylor’s DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE which was published last year. The title for the sequel was announced of Taylor’s blog as DAYS OF BLOOD AND SHADOW, a fittingly fantastical title for the sequel of DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE. There’s also a tiny teaser to be had in her announcement post, linked above.

UK cover
INSURGENT, the sequel to the hugely popular dystopian novel DIVERGENT (which I hear is making the rounds of the NYT bestseller list again) is coming in just a few months- May. Anticipation has been building for the release and as part of a publicity campaign an exclusive extract is available on Entertainment Weekly.

US Cover
Artemis Fowl fans have something to mourn this year as the bestselling series that began eleven years ago draws to a close with the eigth and final novel, THE LAST GUARDIAN. Some tidbits of infomation include a first print run of 1 million copies in the US alone. The covers for THE LAST GUARDIAN can be seen on the left and right and you can read an extract on USA Today.
Apparently the Wells family are all good writers: Robison Wells, who is the brother of I Am Not A Serial Killer author Dan Wells, is publishing his sequel to VARIANT, FEEDBACK, in the Autumn. The cover of the sequel was posted on his blog. I’ve included it left, click for a larger version.
If you’re a fan of I AM NUMBER FOUR and its sequel POWER OF SIX, you’re in luck. The sequel to both these novels, RISE OF NINE, isn’t due to be released until the 21st August but the cover has already been revealed on MTV. It is, perhaps, my favourite cover in the series yet. Again, click the image on the right for a larger version.The book trailer for RISE OF NINE is also available below with several other trailers.
And, of course, this wouldn’t be a news rounup if we didn’t include the by-now old news that J K Rowling is releasing a new book for adults. Title, publication data and cover are all yet to be revealed but it’s something to get excited about!
And finally, some book trailers to feast your eyes on:
Thanks for stopping by! Which books are you most looking forward to?