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I went to bea and this is what I thought

I Went to BEA and This Is What I Thought

Posted on by Rhys

I walked into the Jarvits center and was staggered by its size. Here was a convention center, its atria clad in glass, that took a couple of minutes to walk from end to end. It was huge (but also probably just normal convention center size; I’d never been to one before). And all of it Continue reading

BEA15 – Speeding up Your Book Blog

Posted on by Rhys

This post was originally delivered as a presentation at the Bloggers Conference, Book Expo America 2015 as part of the panel “Optimizing your WordPress Blog”. You can download the powerpoint presentation, but I have included a more comprehensive guide below, which includes verbal infomation not written on the slides. Speeding Up Your Book Blog This Continue reading

Speaking at BEA

Posted on by Rhys

Some of you will know that I am spending the next few months travelling le monde; I’ll be visiting such places as New Zealand, the eastern Australian coast and South Africa; but before all that begins I’m spending a week in New York City. Two reasons: I’ve never been to NYC, and I’d have to Continue reading