US and UK covers of Wintercraft/Shadowcry

Cover Chat #3

Welcome to Cover Chat- this is a new meme that has a slightly different take on the UK vs US cover comparison features many bloggers have. If you want to find out more about why Cover Chat is different, or how to participate, read the “official” Cover Chat Page.

Today, myself and Andrew from The Emancipation of the Pewter Wolf will talk about the US and UK covers of Wintercraft (titled Shadowcry in the US), byJenna Burtenshaw. Andrew will be hosting the other half of this post, where we discuss the two covers for Virals, by Kathy Reichs.

US and UK covers of Wintercraft/Shadowcry

Rhys: What I thought was so interesting about these covers is the fact that they are both so different (the change in title doesn’t help!). I’ve got the UK cover (naturally), and when it was released, I really liked the colours and dark vibe it gave out; it really played on the fantastical elements of the book. The US cover is a lot crisper, and is also very beautiful, though in a very different way; I like the simplicity of it, and the contrast between the snow, the figure and the abbey building. The US cover looks a lot more like an adult book (I always think adult books have less complex covers xD). I’m quite torn about which I prefer- I really like both, and the differences, while stark, are nice. I think I’ll be sitting on the fence when it comes to my favourite!

Andrew: For two covers that look so similar, they can be so different. I love how both covers have picked up on the gothic-vibe and the tone of the novel with the hooded cloak and archway, yet whereas the UK cover looks handdrawn, the US is a photo. I like the colours used in the UK cover and I like the feel of movement (which feels similar to covers from the Wardstone Chronicles). There seems to be no movement in the US cover and, because of that, the person used feels quite flat to me. However, the archs gives the cover depth which is something I quite like.

Because of that, I’m a tiny bit torn. I like both of them equally and would happy read from either of these covers. But, if I was forced, I think I would go with the UK cover.

Thanks to Andrew for participating (he approached me! I always feel honoured when that happens!) If you want to get involved in Cover Chat, or have any questions about Cover Chat, email me at [email protected]

How about you guys? What do you think of both covers?

What did you think about Cover Chat #3?