News Roundup

weekly book news roundup

News Roundup #8

News Roundup has had a bit of a hiatus over the summer, but it’s back now with a nice load of BIG news! There’s something in here for everyone, so I hope you enjoy! First of, the cover for Chris d’Lacey’s final novel in The Last Dragon Chronicles was released on his blog a couple Continue reading

weekly book news roundup

News Roundup #6

Posted on by Rhys

A news post that is actually on time! (for some reason, I always thought I ought to post these on Fridays…) we’re on the 6th of these, I hope they are useful to at least some of you. To start with, Christopher Paolini’s final book in the Inheritance Cycle, Inheritance, now has a book trailer Continue reading

weekly book news roundup

News Roundup #5

Posted on by Rhys

So, another week another news post! First off, Derek Landy, the author of the Skulduggery Pleasant series, has said he’s working on a (rather long at 15,000 words short story for World Book Day 2012, set between The Death Bringer (publishing September) and Book Seven (publishing September 2012) and titled The End of the World. Continue reading

weekly book news roundup

News Roundup #4

Posted on by Rhys

A little more news this time, partly because I missed last week’s! But first off, I hope everyone has been getting appropriately excited about J K Rowling’s “Pottermore” announcement! And if you have no clue what I’m talking about, then shame on you! Only 20ish hours to go! Anyway, Puffin UK has revealed the UK Continue reading

weekly book news roundup

News Roundup #3

Posted on by Rhys

So, this week we have a more, err, historical news! For a start, the US cover and an extract from the second Heroes of Olympus have been unveiled. The sequel to The Lost Hero is called The Son of Neptune. The extract, which may or may not shine some light as to whom the title Continue reading

weekly book news roundup

News Roundup #2

Posted on by Rhys

Not too much news on my radar this week (partly because I’m pretty busy so didn’t manage to read too much stuff!) and I’ve just done a run over the blogs of the authors I follow! Chris d’Lacey talks about the cover of his final novel in The Last Dragon Chronicles (titled The Fire Ascending), Continue reading

weekly book news roundup

News Roundup #1

Posted on by Rhys

So, rather than post news as it comes (because I’m often too lazy to post something as it comes!) I’ve decided to post a weekly news roundup which, as the title suggests, is a round up of all the book news I’ve read and enjoyed. This is my personal selection, and if you think I Continue reading

News: Western Mysteries Trailer

Posted on by Rhys

Lots of news recently, but I promise I will post a review tomorrow! Anyway, today is the official unveiling of a trailer for the first book in the Western Mysteries: The Case of the Deadly Desperados by Caroline Lawrence, who wrote one of my favourite childhood series; the Roman Mysteries (and whom I an indebted Continue reading