Welcome to the “New” ThirstforFiction!
No, your eye are not decieving you, we have indeed changed the layout and colour scheme of ThirstforFiction. But more than that: we have moved the entire blog to a new platform: the trusted WordPress!
Over the last two to three weeks, we have been busy bees porting all our reviews and posts from Joomla (the platform we were running it on previously) to our beautiful new WordPress install. I’ve (Rhys) also designed and coded a beautiful theme to go with WordPress. All in all, I’ve probably spent at least 40 hours coding, designing, and porting content. Oh, you lucky people!
Why have we done this? Well, November is our blogoversary month! On the 22nd of November, ThirstforFiction will have it’s first birthday. It’s been a cool year, but more about that on the 22nd
So, what’s new?
- Comments. That’s right, you guys can now comment on every single post we have ever posted. Isn’t that wonderful? So start commenting on your favourite posts!
- Posts can be filtered by more options; previously, you could find reviews based on in which genre they were categorised, or who the books were written by. Now, you can see posts by month, who wrote the post, which genre the book is in, who wrote the book, who the publishers are and when it was published!
- Now with every review is a larger picture. More detail = more awesome!
While it still isn’t perfect yet (take a look at the footer! It still needs beautifying!), we thought we’d roll out the update so that you can comment sooner rather than later. So, for most part, ThirstforFiction will not change, but sometimes, you might see that the elves have been in overnight and have changed a few bits and bobs.
So, we hope you enjoy all the extra features!
What did you think about Welcome to the “New” ThirstforFiction!?