Speaking at BEA

Some of you will know that I am spending the next few months travelling le monde; I’ll be visiting such places as New Zealand, the eastern Australian coast and South Africa; but before all that begins I’m spending a week in New York City. Two reasons: I’ve never been to NYC, and I’d have to take a layover anyway if I wanted to get to the South Pacific, and secondly, it’s BEA time.

For us Brits, BEA is a distant dream – a gigantic paradise of publishing, where big name authors and bloggers can co-exist, where galleys are endlessy dropped and just BOOKS. BOOKS EVERYWHERE.

So I’m taking the opportunity to attend BEA – whilst I’m there – but I’ve also been invited to speak at the adjacent Bloggers Conference, where I’ll be on a panel with Ashley, Cialina and Brittany titled “Optimizing Your WordPress Blog”.

“Wednesday, 27th May 10:00 AM – 10:50 AM | Room 1A12
Building A Better Blog

Make your WordPress blog the best that it can be to attract followers and engage readers. Learn about the must-have plugins and how to configure them, get hands-on with SEO, and take steps to secure your blog. New and mid-level bloggers who have a WordPress site and want to ensure they’re using the best plugins and fully utilizing the platform will enjoy this session.”

I know many of you – being Britain-bound – won’t be there, but for my American amigos please do introduce yourself if you come to hear us speak, or if our panel isn’t relevant to you but you still wanna say hi, tweet me @rhyswolfgang, or leave a comment below and I’m sure we can triangulate!

PS I’ve just printed some lovely NEW BUSINESS CARDS I’m super proud of. Here they are:


About Rhys

Rhys is a 19 year old with roots in the UK and Germany. Aside from reading and blogging, he also produces theatre, loves Kate Bush and hopes to pursue a career in publishing. His reviews have been widely quoted in books such as Philip Reeve’s Mortal Engines Quartet, Catherine Bruton’s Pop!, James Treadwell’s Advent and Anarchy and he has presented at such events as Book Expo America.

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